


影音檔案是二十一世紀人類生活中不可或缺的紀錄方式,其載體卻極其脆弱。有鑑於此,聯合國教科文組織 (UNESCO) 核定每年的10月27日為「世界影音遺產日」,透過此機制提高大眾對其急迫性的警覺,並彰顯影音檔案是國家認同不可或缺的重要部分。

今年 (2020年) 世界影音遺產日的主題為「眺望世界之窗」(Your Window to the World),意即影音遺產宛如一扇窗,提供人們得以眺望到他們無法親臨的世界角落,聆聽到那些逝去的過往聲音。每年此刻,國立傳統藝術中心臺灣音樂館與臺師大音樂數位典藏中心均以不同形式來慶祝與分享此一重要時刻,同時呼籲國人重視影音遺產的保存。


Audiovisual documents contain the primary records of the 21st centuries, but they are extremely vulnerable. The UNESCO in 2005 approved the commemoration of a World Day for Audiovisual Heritage as a mechanism to raise general awareness of the need for urgent measures to be taken and to acknowledge the importance of audiovisual documents as an integral part of national identity.

This year the theme of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage is "Your Window to the World," means audiovisual materials as documentary heritage objects provide a window to the world as we observe events we cannot attend, we hear voices from the past who can no longer speak, and we craft stories that inform and entertain. At this time every year, the Taiwan Music Institute of NCFTA and Digital Archive Center for Music of NTNU joins the grand event in different ways, and calls on people to pay attention to the preservation of audiovisual heritage.

This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we decided to present some precious recordings of Taiwanese music with an online exhibition, which includes the folk songs that had disappeared, a beautiful voice that had travelled around the world, a brilliant composition that was internationally recognized, and the immortal music of a piano duo coming with a romantic story. These documents have been donated to the Taiwan Music Institute in the past few years, and has been processed, archived and digitized. We selected hundreds of objects from 3705 physical documents and 9604 digital files to completed the online exhibition in both Chinese and English. We hope everybody in the world will enjoy the goodness from the past through the window of the digital archiving presented during the pandemic.
